Tuesday, October 31, 2006

GAM - Melodies


Monday, October 30, 2006

Hello Morning 10/29/06

1 - Menu.
2 - Dog Wedding SP. Today's main segment will be to assist in
dog magazine interviews. Plus participate as wedding workers in
dog wedding cruise. Participants were, Yossi, Tanaka, Tsuji and
3 - World's Petite Game. Today's game will be from Rumania.
Guest, comedian Hakata Hanamaru.
4- Hakkan CM. New Hello Pro product release corner.
Starring, Kamei and Niigaki.
5- Morning Musume 8th Generation Audition update. Tokyo audition
2nd round competition scenes plus its winners. This ends all the 1st
and 2nd round competitions across Japan. Next week will be the
announcement of all 3rd round winners. As a trivia current Morning
Musume member, Kusumi Koharu, had her start as Tokyo audition
winner as well as overall winner, even though she didn't reside in Tokyo.
6 - 1st Shiritori Battle at Ueno Zoo. Two group battle by taking cellphone
pictures based on last syllable of a word. Like if one group had received
a picture of a lion then the receiving side will be required to find an animal
with N at the beginning but the game will be, naturally, in their language.
7 - Next week's preview.

HelloPro BT

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Berryz Koubou Summer Concert Tour 2006 [NatsuNatsu! ~Anata wo Suki ni Naru San Gensoku!~]


「恋はひっぱりだこ」・「チュッ! 夏パ〜ティー」
「Yeah! めっちゃホリディ」・「夏わかめ」・「蝉」
「なんちゅう恋をやってるぅ YOU KNOW?」・「マジ 夏すぎる 」など。


Monday, October 23, 2006

Hello Morning 10/22/06

1 - Menu.
2 - Walking The Dog SP. Today's main segment will be a leisurely
walk across Tokyo's neighborhood Mishuku along with rental dogs.
Participants were, Rika, Takahashi, Niigaki plus former baseball player
but currently TV entertainer, Punch Satou. They'll walk across Mishuku
to have fun and games at various shops and restaurants and Yoga class
for dogs. During the course a surprise guest will join the group.
3 - World's Petite Game. Today's game will be from Rumania.
Guest, food loving giant, Uchiyama kun.
4 - Morning Musume 8th Generation Audition update. Osaka audition
3rd round competition scenes. This will leave only Tokyo audition left
before the 4th round starts. As before we might not know about the
new Morning Musume member or members until next year yet we
should know about the finalists before then.
5 - Hakkan CM. New Hello Pro product release corner.
Starring, Kamei and Niigaki.
6 - Tsukishima Kirari starring Kusumi Koharu 2nd single live "Balalaika."
7 - Next week's preview.

HelloPro BT



Friday, October 20, 2006

[HPS] Hello Pro Hour - Episode 12 (2006.08.04 subtitled)


Monday, October 16, 2006

Hello Morning 10/15/06


1 - Menu.
2 - Walking The Dog SP. Today's main segment. Which will be
a leisurely walk across Tokyo's mid upper class neighborhood Jiyuugaoka.
Evidently there are lot's of dog related shops in this area so Morning
Musume's,Yossi, Tanaka, Michishige and a comedian, Jumon, will attempt
to introduce these shops, such as bath and massage shop, cake shop,
restaurant for dogs, etc.
3 - GAM 2nd single live "Melodies."
4- Walking The Dog SP continues.
5 - Morning Musume 8th Generation Audition. Nagoya audition
results. Those that will be moving up to the 2nd level contest and
Osaka winners that will be moving on to the 3rd round, one level higher,
were introduced.
6 - Hakkan CM. New Hello Pro product release corner.
Staring, Kamei and Niigaki.
7 - Next week's preview.

HelloPro BT

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday, October 13, 2006

菅谷梨沙子 • 12歳
